
Sierra County New Mexico

Facts, Questions and Answers

(Use the above menu to navigate to the issues)

“A complaint has no solution, however a concern with a mitigation offers a thought out response for a possible solution.”

Kenny Rogers


In our politically divided county, where it is hard to even ask a question without getting ridiculed or belittled with someone’s opinion and not facts? It is hard to find just the facts. The object of this website is to bring our community together for the good of all the residents.

“Headhunting/investigating with the goal to place blame never comes to a solution. A shared goal and collaborative mitigation will create a solution.”

Kenny Rogers

What doesn’t this webpage provide?

  • There are no posts of opinions or comments published.
  • Placing the blame on a individual or group.
  • No Political agenda.

  • No special interest group’s agenda.
  • Names of persons asking questions or answering questions.

What does this webpage provide?

  • A central location to view the facts and allow you to come to your own conclusion on the issue.
  • A place where constituents can ask a question without being bullied.
  • A place for our elected officials and government supervisor to answer questions without being bullied.
  • A positive place to collaborate with others to improve our community.

How this website works:

  • Facts are from the ordinance, bill, or legal documents on the issues.
  • Answers are from elected officials or supervisors.
  • Answers to question could have name and reference material, i.e. document to back up the facts not opinions.
  • Questions: Have to be asked professionally and not discriminatorily or opinionated. Ask a direct and straightforward question that would be beneficial for the majority to view. We do not send or post your name when you ask a question.

Mitigation section:

Is an open place for constituents to share a thought out possible solution for our elected officials to review and consider in their decision process on major concerns within our community. This would be a very productive way to get involved in our busy world without getting ridiculed or belittled. To help ensure this, we will not post your names. However, please take the time to articulate your mitigation in a productive way, not as a complaint.